Can you believe it? Who ever thought we'd end up here!
Our first year of marriage we lived on 3 different continents: North America, Europe and Africa. Now as our next year begins we've already moved to a new location -- the Carribean. And, we will only be here for 3 months so we are guaranteed to move again!
We are becoming even more familiar to the life of transition, living out of backpacks and quick relations with strangers. We know well both the privileges and the difficult challenges that come with it.
None of it is a surprise, we knew our lives this past year would be full of ambiguity and loose plans. We didn't marry for stability and settling down (though we will want to some day), or else we both would have been better off marrying someone from our own country and someone who hadn't already ventured out of theirs. We married so that we could do this together, be together, and praise and serve God together.
Contrary to some opinions, our marriage was not the beginning or ending to a certain lifestyle. Apart from each other we've both sought to go where God led us, where the life He gave took us and in the direction the skills, interests and dreams he gave brought us. Yes there are some dreams that are unique to marriage, like a having a family, that could not be realized for us until now. But those only now possible dreams don't have to exclude each of our unique dreams. Now we can work together to realize each other's dreams, enriching them with the beautiful combination of who we are.
5 years ago we began trekking together with backpacks on our back going this way and that, sometimes together and sometimes apart. For now, we will continue to stuff our bags and trek on -- together.
5 years ago we began trekking together with backpacks on our back going this way and that, sometimes together and sometimes apart.
For now, we will continue to stuff our bags and trek on -- together.
August 2010
Now here we are in Aruba, we wouldn't say we dreamed of this destination, but that we found ourselves here following our interests, skills and our desire and bigger dream to equip ourselves to serve God by serving His Creation.
It was in Burundi that we found the opportunity to live here for 3 months, although the two countries almost seemed like a humorous juxtaposition. But out of the options, this seemed to be the best place considering the timing, needed rest, and the topic for Henk's studies! So here we are!
While on Aruba Henk will be researching the effects of environmental factors on the vegetation and what is needed to restore the natural vegetation in Arikok National Park. He is also creating a landscape-vegetation map for the Park. Allie is currently searching for somewhere to volunteer and is excited to see what comes up!